From design to the latest technologies.
Power System pursues efficiency and innovation. That is why, from design to the selection of the most modern technologies for machining and process control, it uses all the most innovative and advanced tools to offer durable and reliable products without compromises.

As a demonstration of the great attention devoted to quality, FNA S.p.A., the company to which Power System belongs, has chosen to align its company management system to the ISO 9001:2015 standard as certified by TÜV Italia, in order to pursue customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.
The CE marking is compulsory for all goods marketed within the EU irrespective of the country of manufacture; it indicates a product’s conformity with EU legislation on safety, health and environmental protection.
The ETL mark indicates that the product has been assessed by an independent organization and complies with the safety requirements necessary to be sold on the North American market.
AC certifies the conformity of a product with the technical regulations of the countries that are part of the Eurasian Customs Union (TR-TC), which includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, an indispensable element for marketing in those countries.